Strobe with Emotion – Resolume Tips!
Hi VJs, does your strobe speak your tone?
do you always yell ? or sometimes yell, gentle in general ?
Did you know each year how many people puke due to excessive strobing in live shows where clients try to save money by not hiring a designer, us?
Anyways, we ALL need to control our strobing!
Hi, I am zunayed sabbir ahmed, on behalf of We are VJ bangladesh, a small yorising community of live visual artists ang light designers, based in Bangladesh
Here’s a mid size video, how I got to be a better human, controlling my strobing!
For this trick its great if you have a midi controller with faders on knobs
But i will show you a keyboard mapping trick if you hang on to this video
For this example i will be using only sources, to keep it simpler
Let me drop a solid color.
Lets change the color just for our eyes sake.
for a little variation, lets go to effect, drop a grid, and set up till it makes some logic to your eyes.
for this example, i will use strobing over composition, but you can do same trick in clips, layers, and compositions.
Lets check out the strobe effect.
So we can see its at its highest strobe at 0.99 and somewhat strobe-like at 0.60.
So we will work in between that range.
Let’s do midi ctroller first, in my case i’m using my highest used most trustworthy Akai APC 40 MK2.
Lets press shortcut – Ctrlt + Shift + M for midi mapping.
Lets map the frequency to this fader.
Lets limit the range from 0.60 to 0.99.
Means, our midi knob’s 0 value is 0.60 and putting the knob to full gets me to highest. value on range, this case 0.99.
Now, sigh! enough strobing, done working with this FX, now time to shut it off, so lets. midi map the blackout button for this effect to this button.
now we select piano more, and then invert to ensure, the effect will stay off until pressed. and ill act as a piano key.
Now we can hold this button to strobe and ctrol the frequency!
Note- its a good practice to get to the frequency before hitting the strobe on button!
Lets press CTRL + Shift + K for keyboard mapping.
Lets select frequency.
Lets press NUM 1 for first range.
Lets right click and duplicate, and duplicate again.
Lets midi map these two new ranges to Num 2 and Num 3.
Lets set range for Num 1 – .99.
Lets Set range for NUM 2- .80.
Lets Set Range for Num 3 – .65.
Lets map the blackout button to Num 0.
Again, we put it to piano more, so that it activates when pressed, and select invert to shut it off until pressed.
In fact, you can try this trick to every single effect available in resolume, pls buzz me and show how this trick works!
If you have watched this video till this part, this says you’re a visual enthusiast like the people in our small uprising community called we are vj Bangladesh.
Subscribe this community for more sessions, lessons, workshops and idea jamming coming up
We want green earth with controlled strobing!
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