How to make outlines for resolume | VJ Tips!
We will quickly make our own outlines, and animated them easily in resolume arena, using adobe after effect with a free plugin saber.
Follow Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
Previous release of this series-
Video Copilot Saber:
If you are new user of Resolume, its ideal to start with an overview video like this –
resolume #arena #tutorial
Join #WeAreVJbd –
Script, Idea- Zunayed Sabbir Ahmed
AV Production- Ahmed Sifat, Ariful Islam Bappi
Audio Mix- Farsim Hossain
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In this mid sized video, we will quickly learn how to make your own custom outline tracer like this
We will start from basic like making Outlines, and go advanced as playing them in synch!
For this example, we are gonna start from this basic set for DJ that we worked previously.
“Lets take a pause and analyze our composition,
to understand where exactly we want our tracer to be visible.”
So we want tracer go go like this, and this
To make own custom outline or tracer animations we will use Adobe After effects
We will need a great yet free After effects plugin called Saber from videocopilot for this.
Big love to video copilot and Andrew Cramer for, EVERYTHING
download link given in the description below.
Download and install that small plugin before you dive in!
Lets right click anywhere and select composition settings, and set the composition duration to 16s.
Lets take a solid, lets name this SABER.
Lets turn off the layer for now, yet lets keep it selected,
so that if we draw mask, it will be applied to this layer only.
For that lets grab the pen tool.
Lets start drawing our line like this.
Note that starting point is essential for what we are gonna quickly achive in a moment.
Lets say our outline animation starts from here,
it travels in this path, and ends here.
And starts from the starting point
Lets turn on the layer.
Lets drop SABER from effects tab.
Phew, dont get panicked seeing this.
Lets go to custom core.
and OOOOO! we’re halfway there!
Lets change Start Size to Zero.
Lets make sure the end size is 100.
Lets make sure we are in the first frame.
Lets keyframe this Mask evolution here.
Lets go to last frame, in 16 seconds
Why 16 seconds? we will know in the next video!
Lets change the Mask Evolution to 1.
Which will make the whole saber complete a cycle one time in 16 seconds.
Now lets get into more fascinating part, lets select preset from here.
Look at these preset came out pre built in this plugin, crazy!
Its not mandetory to use straight up preset.
But these are great starting point to customize and make your own.
Lets pick neon for this example.
Lets change Glow color to the brand color, maybe for example this color.
Lets to to Render Settings and change Alpha Mode to MASK CORE.
This will get rid of additional light spill which will help in our case.
Looks good right!
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Lets rename the composition to Outline Anim 1
Lets make 2 more varriation of same thing,
Lets selec that and press CTRL+D /CMD +D to duplicate, twice
Lets open both.
This time with different mask, so lets disable the SABER layer,
lets press M to find the mask, and we will delete it.
Lets draw a new mask
Lets turn on this layer, and here it is, naiss!
Lets change preset to something else, how about ZAP!
Lets change the color to something.
Now this one, we dont want it to be this long,
So lets change END offset to 20%
Lets see how it goes. Ah naiss!
Lets make one last varriant.
This time watch it fast!
In this one we will draw two separate masks on same layer
And hey remember this is just an idea I am trying to demonstrate as simply as possible.
You are highly recommended to GO CRAZY!
There’s no wrong doing whatever inside these parameters.
Ok we got three some compositions ready to render.
Lets put them on Render CUE
Lets send QUE them on to media encoder.
Lets render them out to DXV.
Note that SABER is not an ALPHA effect, we have rendered it with black background.
Lets drop them to Resolume and yaha!
Lets change the blending mode to 50 ADD, for this clip
they look nice, right?
You could play them in BPM synchronized way.
I have a detailed video that will help u to understand making your BPM synched visual.
In next video, we will blend this video and that video in multiply mode!
Means, we will play BPM synchronized outline tracers like this!
So stay with me!
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